[Programming Fundamental] C++ Programs

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1)      Write a program to sum two numbers.
2)      Write a program to find area, circumference and radius of a circle.
3)      Write a program Find Temperature.
4)      Write a program to find percentage.
5)      Write a program to find vowel characters.
6)      Write a program to find Even & odd numbers.
7)      Write a program to enter a number and find its table using for or while loop.
8)      Write a program to find power of a number.
9)      Write a program to square of a number.
10)   Write a program to find length in meters.
11)   Write a program to find week days.
12)   Write a program to find quotient and reminder.
13)   Write a program to multiply two numbers.
14)   Write a program to find square root of number.
15)   Write a program to find cube of a number.
16)   Write a program to find factorial of a number.
17)   Write a program to find average of a number.
18)   Write a program to find maximum number.
19)   Write a program to find minimum number.
20)   Write a program to swap the numbers.
21)   Write a program to find duplicate numbers in array.
22)   Write a program to reverse the elements of array.
23)   Write a program to swap the 1st and last element of array.
24)   Write a program to find the net payment and discount.
25)   Write a program to find correct number.
26)   Write a program to calculate the sum of the square of different number stored in array.
27)   Write a program to take elements from user in array and display them with and without loop.
28)   Write a program to take five elements from the user and calculate the sum and average of these elements. After display sum and average on screen.
29)   Write a program that initializes a two dimensional array of 2 rows and 3 columns and then display its values.
30)   Write a program to gets five inputs from the user in an array and then sort this array in ascending order.
31)   Write a program the stores five values in an array. It sorts the array using bubble sort. It also displays the values of unsorted and sorted array.
32)   Write a program which takes two arrays of five integers from the user. Display them and after comparing them display the result.
33)   Write a program which reads positive integers from the user and stores these ones in an array. User can enter maximum of 100 numbers. Stop taking input when user enters-1.
34)   Write s program to calculate the sum of the square of 10 different numbers stored in array.
35)   Write a program in which three students each studying 2 subjects (Subject 1 and Subject 2) and we have to display the marks in both the subjects of three students. Input the marks from the user. (Use 2-d array).
36)   Write a program that take 3 inputs from user and store them in file.
37)   Write a program that inputs the name of 5 students and store them in a file student.txt.
38)   Write a program that uses the structure variable to input records of three students and stores it in student.txt in binary I/O. each record consist of roll no, name and marks.
39)   Write a program that inputs 5 integers and stores in a file using binary I/O.
40)   Write a program to enter the numbers till the user wants and at the end it should display the maximum and minimum number entered.
41)   Write a program to display a string entered by user.
42)   Write a program to read and display an entire line entered by user.
43)   Write a program to find length of string without using library function.
44)   Write a program that stored five lines of strings in a file and then display these on the screen by reading these lines.

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Regards Rao M Umar Dilshad
